Well we're presently quite near the end of that series of 'working days', and I'm off in 24 hours. In the past week we've been in a mad scramble of packing, preparing, printing, assignment-writing, money-exchanging, video-making, iPod-loading, birthday-party attending and nanny-hiring.
Sammy is exactly 9 months old today. Never thought he'd still be in Mexico, but, well, heck, who were we kidding?
Ahmed asked me to tell him what clothes Maya can wear before I leave - I swear he believes he's colour-blind, when in fact he's pretty good at finding pants and tops that match - so I've made a little folder on the desktop of photos with acceptable outfits, in case he's having a what-to-wear-for-nursery-crisis. Here are the entries under What Not to Wear:
1 comment:
Well what`s wrong with those clothes,they are absoutley lovely!!!ha,ha.
Are you out there now.Just a little point to make.Elsa sent your directions to Selina for the SRE offices in MX city.We ended up in the wrong place and it took us 1.5hrs of explaining why we were there.We did find the SRE in the end,but has it moved.Maybe we went wrong on route,but i don`t think we did.Someone here in Ireland said it had moved so it might be a good idea to check it out,just incase.Good luck and hopefully both of you will be home very soon.xxx
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